Painting equipment is one of the most common requests for industrial painters. From finding the appropriate coating, to discovering the best prep method, to minimizing sensitive computer components. There are a number of factors that need to be considered before embarking on an incredible painting journey into the angular movements of equipment painting.
In the world of big industry, there are innumerable operations that equipment can perform. And sometimes that performance requires highly concentrated coolants and oils that can keep the machinery operating. And other times, that equipment contains highly sensitive computer boards that need to be protected from excessive amounts of water.
But when an owner whats his old, dated pieces of equipment freshened up with a new coat of paint, it proves to be very challenging.
Firstly, as with any painting project, the prep method is going to require a lot of thought and consideration. As mentioned, modern equipment can contain a lot of computers and electronics. And if those electronics get wet, it can completely damage the entire piece. However, sometimes that piece will be caked with old coolant or motor oil. And if the surface is too saturated with oil, then the adhesion will be compromised.
But once the prep method has been identified, it’s then important to decide which coating to apply. And not only is existing contaminants a huge issue, but the actual performance of that piece is another consideration to take to mind. If the unit gets to be excessively hot, then it’ll be important for the painter to apply a heat tolerant coating. If a non-heat tolerant coating is applied, then it is highly likely that that coating will fail under the stressful environment of the heat. So it’s important for any estimator to take an infrared thermometer to gauge the surface temperature when conducting a site visit.
Or, does the piece of equipment expel any difficult coolants or oils that can corrode the paint? If so, then you’ll want to make sure a highly chemical resistant coating is applied to the substrate. That paint may be more expensive, but it will provide a greater longevity than an acrylic coating.
Also, the finish needs to be considered. Is the customer looking for a self-leveling, gloss finish? Or is something that offers excellent adhesion, in exchange for brush strokes acceptable?
But these are all strong considerations that every painter needs to consider when painting equipment. Equipment painting isn’t going to be the easiest project on the block. However, if done properly, the results can be very beneficial to the owner, and the painter supplying the labor.